Your Stars and Horoscopes for the next two weeks ~ 4th to 18th March 2024
By Margaret Solis.
Find out what your future holds with your weekly Margaret Solis psychic stars and horoscope…
EARTH SIGNS: Taurus ♉️ / Virgo ♍️ / Capricorn ♑️
THEME: Personal achievement will be very rewarding, specifically linked to health. 💟
TAURUS: Time to move on professionally, especially if you feel that you can do your job with your eyes shut. 😐. Your brain needs fed, so possibly it’s a time to learn something completely new or become self-employed as you certainly don’t like being told what to do. 😅. For some a move to a completely different place would be better than you think. 🌞.
VIRGO: The most important thing this week is to keep as calm as possible as the changes that are happening all around you are totally out of your control. But believe it, or not, the best outcome for everyone will be achieved. 🌟😅. Some of you may also be thinking of a complete change of image. 🛍.
CAPRICORN: Youngsters will be trying your patience this week and it will be hard to understand what’s going on. 🤔. Just be your caring, loving self and towards the end of the first week they will open up and all will be revealed and resolved. Much to your relief. 😅. It’s also time to treat yourself for a change. 🥂💆♀️.
TAROT CARD: The High Priestess — A feeling of being back in charge of who you are and what you want to do is here for the first time in the last two years. 🙏🔮.
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AIR SIGNS: Aquarius ♒️ / Gemini ♊️ / Libra ♎️
THEME: A knight in shining armour could quite easily come to your rescue. 😅💫.
AQUARIUS: There’s lots of new ideas and great energy around you these next two weeks and you will know that at last, professionally, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. 🙏💫. Family and friends seem to need you a bit more than usual. Just make sure you have your own personal space to recharge and relax. 😉. The sign of Leo seems prominent, especially to those of you who are footloose and fancy free. ❤️💫.
GEMINI: Time for some serious discussions regarding your career and whether you want to take it to the next level which is probably what you really want. 💫. I see some good publicity around you so be prepared to shine, sparkle and say what you mean. 🎥🎼. 💫. Emotionally, it’s a yes or a no. 🤔.
LIBRA: Everything will fall into place as it should and no amount of worrying will change the outcome, which I can assure you will be exactly the success you deserve. 🙏🌟. Delays however are inevitable, but necessary, which will coincide with personal needs. 💕. Professionally, you won’t put a foot wrong and travel plans become even more exciting. 🌟.
TAROT CARD: The Page of Wands — There’s lots more communication than normal and you are enjoying all of it. 😍.
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FIRE SIGNS: Aries ♈️ / Leo ⛎ / Sagittarius ♐️
THEME: Luck is on your side in more ways than one. 💵❤️.
ARIES: This is the right time to let go of anything, or anyone, who is holding you back ~ and you don’t need to give it a second thought to know what or who that is. 😉. From the middle of this week going into the second week there’s great news and an interesting opportunity to elevate your status in work. 🌟. Time also to get cosy with a loved one. 😍.
LEO: Stop panicking about finances as you are in for an unexpected surprise, rise or bonus. 💵. You do however need to be a bit more aware of your capabilities which are so much more than you give yourself credit for. 💫. A time spent relaxing with your favourite people will help you reenergise and boost your confidence. 😅.
SAGITTARIUS: There seems to be many options opening up and important choices regarding your career which you will take in your stride, straight to success. 💫🌟. You also seem to have a new plan about where you see yourself in the next few months which is totally achievable. 🙏💫. I see decisions linked to a new property which could be the icing on the cake. 🏡 😍. A youngster in the family shines academically. 💫.
TAROT CARD: Justice — Get legal documents updated for future financial rewards 💰.
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WATER SIGNS: Pisces ♓️ / Cancer ♋️ / Scorpio ♏️
THEME: Turn that frown upside down. 😃.
PISCES: Invitations should be accepted from an unexpected source, which could really boost your career. That’s if you are brave enough to go for it. 🌟. Financially, it will be very tempting but as a Pisces it has to feel right. So go on your first instincts. 🔮💫. Things could be hotting up in your personal life… and slowly… as a lovely new stranger enters the scene. And doesn’t want to leave. ❤️.
CANCER: Be prepared for some serious but special talks with superiors linked to work. 🤔. There’s a great offer coming your way that could see you financially secure for longer than you imagined. 💰. Travel in the next few weeks will be eye opening to say the least. 👀. 🛫.
SCORPIO: There’s a feeling of completion, relief and excitement and you are not sure which one is better. 🤔💫. It’s all good, and you have much to look forward to in the coming weeks as your popularity soars. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some of you are up for an award of some kind. 🏆🍾. Is that the pitter patter of tiny feet? 👣😍
TAROT CARD: The Nine of Cups — This is the wish card. So make a wish that’s important to you, for you. 💫🔮.
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To book a personal one-to-one Virtual Psychic Reading 🔮⭐️ with me, call me on (+44) 0141 632 2554 Monday to Friday, between 1.30pm and 3.00 pm or between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. (30 minute, 45 minute and 1 hour sessions available)