The weird thing is that every time I have had a reading with Margaret, I have burst into tears after it. I cannot explain this. It’s as if Margaret...
Do you want to know your future?
Then welcome to the home of the Queen of Psychics!
As one of the world’s top psychics, a private psychic reading with Margaret has been described by many as an unforgettable experience…
Over the span of 40 years Margaret has predicted for over 10,000 people ~ from housewives, to top business men, to film stars ~ Margaret has accurately predicted for people from all walks of life.
As a premier class and highly experienced and sought-after psychic, a reading with Margaret will change your life… forever.
Margaret will not hold back in a reading. She will tell you what she sees, no holds barred. Here she explains in her own words the different stages in a psychic reading ~ your PAST, your PRESENT and your FUTURE…
When I first begin your psychic reading, information and messages about your past are usually one of the first things that will come through to me. This is where what I call psychic channeling begins.
This channeled information could be in the form of a name that is very significant in your life, or, it could also be a spirit that has walked into the room with you. That spirit will be of someone close to you that has passed. Or, it could even be your spirit guide letting you know that they are there for you.
I will also ‘receive’ a variety of information, forms or shapes, and sensations ~ or psychic messages ~ where these can consist of a date, a place, an item of clothing, a favourite tune… each psychic message will be specific to you.
This information is endless. But the message, or messages, usually will come through for you, and you alone.
On occasion though, I will not get any messages from your past. But do not worry about this, as it means the reading will mostly be solely about your present and/or your future.
The past can also sometimes cross over into the present.
I can pinpoint and affirm your present situation with names, work, situations, friends, family, dates, places, events and more. Essentially, how you are feeling in your present self.
Your life is, of course, particular to you, and through this part of the psychic reading I can determine your present situation ~ emotionally as well as financially. For instance, you could be planning a move linked to work, home, or even country. And I will channel and receive messages about your situation psychically, and also, but not exclusively, through the Tarot cards.
To this day I am still surprised when during a psychic reading one of you will sometimes say: “nobody knows that except me!”
My answer to that is that I love being able to help you get through whatever issue, or problem, may have brought you to see me for a reading.
Everyone has plans. And when you come to me for a reading I can tell you if you will be successful in those plans. Or, I may warn you to not go too fast into certain situations, and even to avoid something completely. Whether that be to do with business, love, or even health.
This is where most of the magic happens.
This is the part of a psychic reading where I love to see the look of surprise on your face when I go into detail about what I see in your future.
We all have a destiny. It doesn’t matter how many times you go around in circles in life, you will always get to where you are meant to be. Eventually.
Not all of your future will be good, and it won’t be plain sailing for many of you. But if I can help guide you onto your true path, then I am privileged and humbled to be able to do that.
During your reading, I won’t make light of any bad situations, or mistakes, or bad news that is coming through for you. I will tell you exactly what I see.
So if you come to me for a psychic reading be prepared for the truth. And it will be the whole truth, I guarantee you that. It won’t be sugar-coated and I will tell you straight what your future holds. And that is something I believe all true psychics should practice. (You would be surprised at how many psychics ‘edit’ the messages they receive, with the excuse that they do so because it is in your ‘best interests’).
If you do not want to know your future, then please don’t come to me for a psychic reading. That is all I ask.
Margaret is currently exclusively doing Virtual Readings via Facetime / WhatsApp / Skype / or FB Messenger.
Margaret has been doing virtual readings for a number of years now, with national and international clients that are as far afield as L.A, New York, Dubai, Russia, Australia, Spain and many more countries.
These readings are identical to face to face readings and there really is no difference… except that she picks out the Tarot Cards for you under your guidance.
Please call Margaret for virtual psychic reading pricing and availability.
To book a reading with Margaret please call her on the following number, Monday to Friday between 1.30pm and 3.00pm or between 6.30pm and 7.30pm:
Please note that psychic readings with Margaret are by appointment only. Spaces are limited. Please be aware that booking sessions vary and it is always best to call for availability and the latest pricing.
For more info about Margaret and her personal psychic readings, check out the frequently asked questions page.
If you've had a psychic reading from Margaret and would like to send your story for inclusion on this website, or in her new book,
please fill out this form
FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, Margaret is gifting you her new book ~ SECRET PSYCHIC STORIES: Volume 1. As told by clients in their own words, this page-turner is full of wild and wonderful stories about Margaret's life-changing psychic predictions.
Depending on what it's about, simply call or send her a message...
How To Get In TouchYou'll also join Margaret's V.I.P. Stars Club newsletter and get emails of her psychic predictions for your week ahead with her weekly Star Sign Predictions... PLUS... exclusive News, Book Updates and Special Offers
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(And remember to rub that Crystal Ball for luck! :)If you haven't already done so, all you need to do now is check your inbox, so jump on over to your emails and look out for an email from me.
I’m over the moon that you’ve taken the time to connect with me.
Why not tell your friends all about it:
(And remember to rub that Crystal Ball for luck! :)If you haven't already done so, all you need to do now is check your inbox, so jump on over to your emails and look out for an email from me.