The weird thing is that every time I have had a reading with Margaret, I have burst into tears after it. I cannot explain this. It’s as if Margaret...
“Some psychics might hold back…
…I give you the whole lot. If you come to me for a psychic reading, be prepared.”
Margaret Solis is one of the world’s best Psychics.
Born in Scotland with the gift of second sight, she uses her exceptional gift and experience to help and guide people from all walks of life.
Read more about her and her incredible gift…
More About MargaretHaving predicted for over 10,000 people over the course of her life ~ from housewives, to top business men, to film stars ~ Margaret has accurately predicted their PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.
She continues to do so, and enjoys what she calls ‘working with the light.’
More About ReadingsFOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, Margaret is gifting you her new book ~ SECRET PSYCHIC STORIES: Volume 1. As told by clients in their own words, this page-turner is full of wild and wonderful stories about Margaret's life-changing psychic predictions.
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Nowhere at the moment
None at the moment
We hope to bring you new and exciting Margaret Solis events soon.
Please keep checking our Events page for all the latest details as things change.
Or, you can sign up to Margaret’s V.I.P. Stars Club Newsletter to be kept in the loop with all her latest news, book updates and special offers, including any new and up and coming events.
SIGN ME UP...Visit the Your Stars Blog for your weekly star sign predictions, news, views, posts and all the latest updates from Margaret...
Visit the BlogDepending on what it's about, simply call or send her a message...
How To Get In TouchSomething has drawn you here. To the now. To this place.
How you got here really doesn't matter ~ whether someone
recommended Margaret to you, or you've seen Margaret at a live event, or, maybe you've read one of her books.
Or... you may have simply googled 'best psychic in the world.' And that led you here.
What matters is that you're here now. So explore the site ~ find out more about Margaret and her gift, read her blog, or book a reading,
And while you're here, why not join her V.I.P. Stars Club Newsletter ~ where on signing up you'll receive one of her books, absolutely FREE.
The choice is yours.
Or is it? Margaret would undoubtedly say that you were always meant to be here. That you were always destined to come here and be reading what you are reading right now, in this particular... and brief... moment in time.
And that is a good thing.
We should all strive to be more curious about the world around us.
You obviously already must have an open mind if you are here, now, on this particular page. Not everyone is interested in psychics, or in finding out about what their future holds. But you, on the other hand, must have a burning curiosity within you to find out more about you.
Margaret has often been described as the world's best psychic and medium. So why not, explore the site...
Find out more about Margaret and her gift, read her blog,
or book a reading to find out what your future holds. Or, maybe you want to read one of her books. And that is absolutely OK.
Go on... be curious.
Yes she does.
Margaret has a vast experience with live shows ~ having previously made personal appearances at the annual Girl's Day Out show in Glasgow's SEC, as well as on Scottish Television, and to audiences throughout Scotland.
Appearing in front of thousands, she shares her story and answers personal questions from the audience while tuning in through her unique psychic gift.
If you'd like to book Margaret for an event please go to the events page and fill out your details, or, call her on 0141 632 2554 for more details.
For International calls: +44 141 632 2554
You'll also join Margaret's V.I.P. Stars Club newsletter and get emails of her psychic predictions for your week ahead with her weekly Star Sign Predictions... PLUS... exclusive News, Book Updates and Special Offers
I’m over the moon to have you join us, and think you might be too.
Why not tell your friends all about it:
(And remember to rub that Crystal Ball for luck! :)If you haven't already done so, all you need to do now is check your inbox, so jump on over to your emails and look out for an email from me.
I’m over the moon that you’ve taken the time to connect with me.
Why not tell your friends all about it:
(And remember to rub that Crystal Ball for luck! :)If you haven't already done so, all you need to do now is check your inbox, so jump on over to your emails and look out for an email from me.