Your Stars and Horoscopes for the next two weeks ~ 28th October to 11th November 2024
By Margaret Solis.
Find out what your future holds with your weekly Margaret Solis psychic stars and horoscope…
EARTH SIGNS: Taurus ♉️ / Virgo ♍️ / Capricorn ♑️
THEME: Time for some serious keep fit and a change of diet, if you seriously want to feel better. 😅💫.
TAURUS: For some of you an opportunity professionally you didn’t act on recently will once again be available for you. And I would suggest you take that leap of faith and go for it. 🔮💫. Long distance travel and a feeling of completion makes you feel so much more like yourself for the first time in a long time. 🛫💕.
VIRGO: Make sure you stick to your plans at work as there may be some trouble being relied on, or believed in the future. 🤔. You are naturally a person of your word, so don’t let anyone get in the way of who you truly are. 💪💫. An invitation could be very tempting emotionally ❤️.
CAPRICORN: Prepare for important meetings linked to your business or work place. 🌟. There seems to be someone new with some great ideas that would be profitable for those concerned very quickly. 💰. It’s time to make plans, to either study, or teach what you know. 🧑🎓.
TAROT CARD: The Page of Pentacles — Great results linking to interviews or exams. 🌟💫.
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AIR SIGNS: Aquarius ♒️ / Gemini ♊️ / Libra ♎️
THEME: Time to be happy and let your hair down… even just for a day. 🌟🥂.
AQUARIUS: There’s some excellent news regarding the health of someone close and travel plans can now be made. 💫🛫. If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by recent changes regarding your professional plans, don’t worry, as help is at hand from an unexpected source. 🥰💫.
GEMINI: Stop focusing on what you haven’t got and open your eyes and be thankful for what you do have. Which is so much more. Especially those friendships and family who will always have your back. 🙏. A wedding invitation definitely puts that smile back on your face. 😀.
LIBRA: Work through any plans you have for someone special one by one. And don’t forget to ask for assistance if need be. 🤔. Professionally you can do no wrong, but make sure everything is on the table at important meetings in the next few weeks for the best results. 💰🌟💫. Your instincts are by far your best guide in all aspects of your life. 🔮🌟.
TAROT CARD: The Page of Wands — This is the card of communication so it’s very important that you listen. 🤔.
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FIRE SIGNS: Aries ♈️ / Leo ⛎ / Sagittarius ♐️
THEME: Think about what you really want and go for it. Could be new property 💪😃.
ARIES: Moderation and patience will be required if you really want to secure your finances for the near and distant future 💰. There’s no harm in splashing out, but just not as often.😅. 🛍. There’s plenty to celebrate, with youngsters taking the lead in more ways than one. 💥.
LEO: Time to leave the past behind and start living your life the way you want it to be. 🤔. Your future is looking so good I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all these great, new and exciting opportunities that are coming your way. 💫. 🔮.
SAGITTARIUS: You will be making all the right decisions in these next two weeks and any new plans will be even more successful and profitable financially. 💫💰. Balance your brain and your heart for the answer. 🤔❤️ . Small trips in and around where you live could see you bumping into a major celebrity, much to your surprise. 💥🌟.
TAROT CARD: Knight of Swords — A new and exciting opportunity is linked to someone new at work. 😉
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WATER SIGNS: Pisces ♓️ / Cancer ♋️ / Scorpio ♏️
THEME: Time to wake up and smell the coffee. Life is for living. ☕️
PISCES: This could be an excellent week to increase your financial situation as an unexpected opportunity comes your way that you should seriously consider for your long term success. 🌟💰. Deal with one situation at a time and don’t be rushed into making an important decision before you are ready. 🤔.
CANCER: You are sensitive, caring, but very resilient — especially in your professional life. And for those who don’t know that about you are in for a rude awakening. 💪. I see any disappointments you have recently experienced are short lived as they are followed by a lot more success🌟. Love is also in the air ❤️.
SCORPIO: Time for some heart to heart talking with close family partners and friends as you need to clear the air and let them know what you want, professionally, and emotionally.🤔💫. Partnerships in business just now would need a rethink as you seem to be bearing the brunt of responsibility which should be shared.
TAROT CARD: The Queen of Cups — You are the master of your own destiny. So be cool 🔮🌟.
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To book a personal one-to-one Virtual Psychic Reading 🔮⭐️ with me, call me on (+44) 0141 632 2554 Monday to Friday, between 1.30pm and 3.00 pm or between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. (30 minute, 45 minute and 1 hour sessions available)